• Heidestein 2B, 3970 ND Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Netherlands

BINK is the name (always in capital letters, please). Specialist in events. We divide ourselves into meetings, incentives, city marketing and brand activations. In other words: BINK provides that pat on the back for your employees or puts your company or city prominently on the map. We will launch your new product or, with an unforgettable meeting, get everyone looking in the same direction. We like to do that well. Enthusiasm goes hand in hand with professionalism, expertise with creativity.

We tackle all types of events in the same BINK way: we first translate your plan or objectives into a concept, which sets out the lines for everything we will do next.

With our extensive experience, we can then advise in almost all event disciplines - from set construction to light, from catering to promotion. We direct, organize and (also happens!) Improvise. We come up with creative ideas and / or perform flawless production.

BINK arranges your event from idea to implementation. That saves you a lot of work, but does not mean that you do not hear from us. In fact, good personal contact and continuous transparent communication is always at the top of our things-to-do list. And we are never afraid to take a few extra steps.

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Activities BINK

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Adventure | Team building | Event Agencies | Product Launches | Concert Organization