21 Catering Stations & Walls Your Guests Will Want to Stop By

21 Catering Stations & Walls Your Guests Will Want to Stop By

Pretzel stations, donut walls, and decadent dessert stands are just a few delicious food ideas that will surprise your attendees. Why are they so successful, and why should you have some at your event?

How to Choose the Right Platform for Your Virtual Events

How to Choose the Right Platform for Your Virtual Events

What are the differences between virtual and face-to-face events? How do you launch virtual events? How do you gather virtual attendance? These are some of the questions event and marketing professionals are asking themselves.

16 Ideas to Make Your Events Safer

16 Ideas to Make Your Events Safer

The world won't be the same anymore. And instead of waiting for things to go back to the way they were, it's better to focus on finding creative solutions to the existing challenges. One of those challenges is how to keep your guests safe at your events.

15 Holistic Event Gifts that Will Impress Your Attendees

15 Holistic Event Gifts that Will Impress Your Attendees

Attendees are used to getting little gift bags at events that are filled with pens, notebooks, and keychains. Most guests will probably just throw them in their office drawer and forget about them.

Français, Deutsch, or Español? We will Give your Event Company Greater Reach!

Français, Deutsch, or Español? We will Give your Event Company Greater Reach!

Big news! In the first half of 2021, we will make eventplanner.net available in new countries. New markets offer new opportunities, new languages, and new reach. And in these challenging times, you can grab these opportunities.

Corona Measures at Events: Increasing Support from Visitors

Corona Measures at Events: Increasing Support from Visitors

After the Netherlands, research has also been conducted in Belgium into the willingness of event visitors to follow corona measures. Of all people who visited events before corona...

Research Shows People Crave Events

Research Shows People Crave Events

People long for live events and they give a surprising amount to visit them again. There is a lot of confidence in safety and there is a willingness to accept various measures and take into account vulnerable groups.

18 Boutique Meeting Spaces Your Guests Will Love

18 Boutique Meeting Spaces Your Guests Will Love

Between immense venues, gigantic convention halls, and cavernous event centers, we’ve taught our attendees that navigating an event space is a skill, and the venue map is highly important.

5 Things that Will Kill the Event Experience

5 Things that Will Kill the Event Experience

You can learn the basics of event logistics and planning after running just a few conferences or workshops. Understanding and designing an event experience may take you much longer.

Brain Measurement Shows Added Value of Live Events

Brain Measurement Shows Added Value of Live Events

What goes around in people's brains when they attend a live event, such as a trade show? A unique brain study examined the effect of a trade fair visit on the subconscious. Neuroscience bureau Neurensics has compared the impact of live events with other commercial contact moments such as commercials.

23 Outdoor Kitchen Designs to Provide Catering for Your Guests

23 Outdoor Kitchen Designs to Provide Catering for Your Guests

We’re used to hiding the catering process behind closed doors. But what if you could integrate the food preparation into the event design and make it part of your attendees' experience?

France Again Allows Events of Up To 5,000 Participants, Without Social Distancing

France Again Allows Events of Up To 5,000 Participants, Without Social Distancing

Festival and event organizers in France are enthusiastic about the news that they can once again organize events for up to 5,000 participants...

3 Good Reasons to Post Reviews

3 Good Reasons to Post Reviews

Are you a satisfied customer of an event agency, caterer, event venye, ...? Let us know via a review on eventplanner.net

7 On-Site Best Practices You'll Want to Remember

7 On-Site Best Practices You'll Want to Remember

The moment your attendees enter the venue door of your event, they want to forget about their routines and plunge into an extraordinary environment.

"So far no evidence that outdoor events lead to corona infections"

"So far no evidence that outdoor events lead to corona infections"

There is so far no evidence that visitors to an outdoor event are likely to be infected with the corona virus. This is the conclusion of the Dutch Crisislab, a research institute in the field of security and crisis management.

New 'analytics engine' gives event businesses valuable insights

New 'analytics engine' gives event businesses valuable insights

The new dashboard for advertisers is ready! It provides valuable insights into campaign performance based on big data and artificial intelligence.

23 Charming Decorations for Your Luxury Event

23 Charming Decorations for Your Luxury Event

When it comes to luxury events, it all comes down to attention to detail. Remarkable light installations, soothing colors and interesting patterns are all decoration elements that are key to the attendees’ experience.

23 Drink Stations to Install at Your Event

23 Drink Stations to Install at Your Event

You can invite the best speakers and have the most engaging moderators. However, surprise is the only thing that will make people to remember your event. So how can you surprise your attendees?

Event Producer Shares COVID19-Proof Event Concept for Free

Event Producer Shares COVID19-Proof Event Concept for Free

Steven Martin, an experienced Belgian Show Designer, designed a COVID19-proof event concept and offers it for free to the world.

Manifesto eventplanner.net

Manifesto eventplanner.net

The past few months have been a rollercoaster and there will be no change to that. The entire event sector is bleeding and we are not spared either. Nevertheless, we continue to dream of a bright future for events.