New eBook: the Event App Blue Book for Mobile Apps

New eBook: the Event App Blue Book for Mobile Apps

etouches released the event app blue book, a free eBook that offers tips and tricks for implementing mobile in your event strategy. 


The eBook covers the basics that every event app should have, and dives deep into how to execute your event strategy with an app to increase ROI, gain leads and improve the attendee experience. The eBook can be downloaded for free.  


Mobile is now a must have for any event, and planners are realizing that they need to better leverage their event apps to make sure their ROI is achieved. With this eBook, you will have the opportunity to brush up on your app knowledge. Some other highlights of the eBook include:

Author of the book is VP of Mobile, Data and Engagement for etouches Niko Nelissen (former TapCrowd CEO). "I drew from my years of experience building mobile apps for high-stake conferences, tradeshows and corporate events, and combined that with my knowledge on digital marketing and marketing automation to write this eBook."


Download the Event App Blue Book now for free!


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