20 Delicious Antipasto Ideas for Your Next Event

20 Delicious Antipasto Ideas for Your Next Event

If you’ve never considered serving antipasto at your events, then you should definitely give it a second thought.

But first things first: What’s antipasto? It’s an Italian traditional first course that usually includes cured meats, olives, anchovies, mushrooms, cheeses, and a seafood platter. Do we have your attention? Good! Offering antipasto is a great way to get people excited about what dish is coming next. Plus, it’s an easy transition to heavier meals, and in some cases, can even be enough for a light lunch. Antipasto is a great addition to your event’s menu and involves different types of food everyone will love. Plus, it can be customized for different dietary lifestyles. Give it a try. You won’t regret it! 


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