How to Design a 'Live-Like-a-Local' Experience for Your Attendees

How to Design a 'Live-Like-a-Local' Experience for Your Attendees

Let me ask you a quick question: What do you think happens when you run an international event? Probably this: People travel all over the world to your event’s city for a few incredible days, attend your conference or seminar, enjoy the awesome weather and scenery, then go home full of energy and great memories.


Let me tell you what really happens. People travel to the event city, spend a few overwhelming and tiring days attending your activity-packed event, and have absolutely no time to enjoy the city because they’re spending all day in the venue, and going back to their hotel to prepare for the cocktail dinner, going back to the venue for a cocktail dinner, and then going back to their hotel room and collapsing into bed.


What they'll remember about your event are the new relationships they managed to build, the too-short coffee breaks, and the constant feeling of tiredness, plus the regret and frustration of not spending at least a few hours experiencing the city (especially if it’s a destination they’d never been to before and were looking forward to seeing). I can assume you didn’t expect that.


Indeed, some envy professionals who travel the world to attend events - little do they know that except for the airplane, the hotel, and the venue, those people don’t see or experience anything else. For ...

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