Shortlist EuBea Awards Unveiled

Shortlist EuBea Awards Unveiled

The shortlist of candidate events competing at EuBea - the European Best Event Awards - has finally been unveiled. Out of a record number of 290 candidate events, 104 have made the shortlist.


Many outstanding projects are taking part, involving brands from various fields: TV media, automotive, telecoms, banking, sports, culture, etc. Follow this link for a full list of candidate agencies and companies. The 104 finalists represent the creativity of 75 agencies from 16 countries.


Today's shortlist is the result of a first online assessment of all competing projects, carried out by a European jury consisting of 30 senior representatives of companies and associations in Europe.  


EuBea Festival

EuBea - the First International Festival of Events and Live Communication - is a privileged meeting opportunity, where the world of Events and Live Communication gathers for two days of discussion and creative inspiration. During the three days of the Festival (5th - 7th November), professionals will meet in Seville to learn from best practices and to celebrate the creativity that is revolutionising the landscape of direct communication. EuBea is open to all players in the industry of Events and Live Communication with headquarters in Europe, including production companies, government agencies, associations, public relations, communication agencies, etc.

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