Start-Up: Peecho Simple Print Service

Start-Up: Peecho Simple Print Service

Looking for an original way to offer a bonus to event goers? And what about making a nice profit from it too? Using Peecho's Simple Print Service, you'll have an easy way on hand to convert digital photos and documents into valuable print products for your participants.


Peecho's Simple Print Service doesn’t require any software downloads, complicated templates or print-ready files. All you have to do is upload a PDF or image. The print service analyzes the file and suggests a number of print products available to you. Simple Print Service is connected to a global network of leading print shops. All orders are produced on demand and done as close to the locale of the end-user as we can get.


You can also install a white-label version of the Simple Print Service. This will allow you to start your own printing-on-demand channel in just a few minutes. The service includes a complete e-commerce/payment module with more than 30 currencies and supports international delivery worldwide. It is fully optimized for search engines and social media.


The Simple Print Service is available in multiple languages, including English, German, Spanish, and Dutch. Peecho's services are used for publishers, museums, and businesses around the entire world, some of which include Issuu and the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam. Currently Peecho is also offering up its services to organizations that plan conferences, events, and festivals.


In this 'Start-up' series we discover starters with an innovative offering that is beneficial to the event sector.

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