Massive Fundamental Shift in B2B Event Marketing

Massive Fundamental Shift in B2B Event Marketing

B2B events are undergoing a fundamental 'shift', writes the leading business magazine Forbes. Forbes makes the comparison with online advertising in the early 2000s.

In 20 years, online marketing spend grew from 3% to 50% of total ad spend. A huge shift that is the result of the enormous reach, measurability and personalization possibilities of online advertisements.

Even before the pandemic, traditional channels (outbound) became less effective and marketing emails end up in the spam folder. The traditional go-to-market strategy was clearly in decline. Companies are switching to product-driven marketing, content marketing, ... whereby they position themselves as experts in the market. The modern marketing funnel is changing and event marketing is becoming increasingly central.

“Unfortunately, many people still equate event marketing with event planning. And despite the growing body of evidence of event marketing's potential, many sales and marketing teams are still looking at it through the outdated lens,” said Kishore Kothandaraman of online event platform Goldcast. "The goal of event marketing was brand visibility, pure and simple."

Modern event marketing is no longer about the funnel itself, but about making event programs scalable and delivering actionable insights that sales teams can actively use. For example, by automatically logging all event-related activities of a prospect in the CRM system, salespeople and marketers have parentheses. They can approach a visitor of an event who showed an interest in specific topics/speakers with additional information. Or why wait for the event? After registering via a well-designed registration form, you already have a wealth of information.

Linking journeys to event marketing and making them measurable creates a new world of possibilities to make the funnel even more efficient and scalable.

Source: Forbes


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