
  • Buizemontstraat 45, 9500 Geraardsbergen, Belgium

A place that offers a wellness atmosphere, where people can slow down and tune in to areas in their body and mind that need attention. Zennon is committed to providing services that help people improve their physical and mental health and make a positive impact in their lives so they can go home rejuvenated.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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reBoot Kombuis

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Characteristics Zennon



Number of people

2 - 12 



public transport 

parking - free 


green space (e.g. a forest) 

city (centre) 


Catering venue

bring your own caterer 

Activities Zennon

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Meeting Rooms in Geraardsbergen | Meeting Rooms