Villa Zwart Goud

Villa Zwart Goud

Villa Zwart Goud
  • Neerjouten 11, 3550 Heusden-Zolder, Belgium

There is Villa Zwart Goud for groups of up to 45 people. What was once the villa of the former director general of the Kempische Steenkoolmijnen is now Villa Zwart Goud. Dating back to 1924, this prestigious Art Deco building has been completely renovated to its original glory. Villa Zwart Goud has been designed as a living room restaurant and meeting location. You will find ten rooms including the authentic wine vault, the grand salon, the desk bar, .... each of which is perfect for parties and dinners (B2B and B2C), meetings and team building activities. In Villa Zwart Goud you can meet in peace and discretion according to various business concepts.

Villa Zwart Goud with the surrounding park and parking are exclusively available to your group and can be booked per day or part of a day.

The rooms are equipped with the most modern audiovisual equipment and you choose the desired room set-up yourself. Wireless internet is of course unlimited and free of charge.

Villa Zwart Goud is easily accessible by car and public transport, located near the E313, E314 and the station.

Looking for a larger location for 80 to 875 people or external catering? Check out our pages Watt17 and Witti Group .

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Characteristics Villa Zwart Goud



Number of people

2 - 70 



public transport 

parking - free 


green space (e.g. a forest) 

near motorway 

Catering venue

in-house catering 


sound system 


Activities Villa Zwart Goud

Activity regions:
Limburg | Belgium
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