ACC Belgium

ACC Belgium

ACC Belgium
  • Sint-Huibrechtsstraat 17, 1050 Brussel, Belgium

ACC is the Association of Communication Companies in Belgium. Our mission is to upgrade, promote and defend the added value of our members towards (future) employees, clients, authorities, press & public.

Event Marketing becomes a more and more strategic tool in the marcom mix, because it offers the ultimate opportunity to interact with ones' target, be it B2B or B2C. The Event Marketing agencies have joined ACC in 2012, with the ambition to streamline and upgrade their processes and to become more strategic partners to their clients.

ACC Belgium
ACC informs clients about indexation intention of agencies
October 20, 2022

The aftermath of the Corona crisis, the war in Ukraine and imploding energy prices mean that we live in a new reality, in which labor costs and operating costs, related to real estate, rental rates, gas and electricity, are very high.

A survey among the 195 ACC members shows that only 17% of the agencies have an indexation clause in ...

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ACC Belgium
Join our Expert Center Event Marketing
April 16, 2021

ACC is the trade association of the Belgian communication agencies, including the event agencies. Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, as an event agency you have benefited more than ever from joining the Expert Center Event Marketing of the Association of Communication Companies.

Why join now?

After all, the Covid crisis has shown that we as an event sector ...

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ACC Belgium
Event Confederation is grateful to Minister Van Peteghem and Febelfin for their decisiveness
February 4, 2021

The December 2020 bank deal with an extension until the end of March 2021 was problematic for the events sector as the moratorium was limited to 9 months.

The Event Confederation is therefore very pleased that this restriction is now being addressed and that the banks are allowing for additional deferral of capital repayment for companies for an additional 6 ...

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ACC Belgium
Flemish Government gives the event sector a view of a future
December 20, 2020

The globalization premium from Minister Crevits and the entire Flemish Government makes the difference between scaring at the bank account every morning or daring to look carefully to the future. The Flemish Government clearly opts for a Flemish event sector after covid-19.

Throughout the months and various measures, many players were systematically left out or the amounts were not adjusted. ...

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ACC Belgium
BAZOOKA 3.0 "- 'The Event Sector Has Been Outlawed'
December 9, 2020

The events sector had been asking for an extension of the bank deal for much longer. Loans can now be extended to 5 years with a guarantee from the government.

A clear, good and necessary step for our hard hit sector.

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ACC Belgium
Open letter from clients
March 23, 2020

Dear, You will undoubtedly have noticed that the current Corona crisis has touched the heart of the event industry. After all, live no longer exists today! We are therefore addressing this open letter to all customers, clients, governments, ... We are addressing this open letter to you ... We are now addressing these open questions The current crisis should under ...

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ACC Belgium
OPEN LETTER on behalf of the event sector: We see our precious event sector sacrificed in function of other sectors
July 16, 2020

“I can understand these people's frustration very well, those people are very professional, I am sure that they can organize large events very professionally and safely. Often safer than small events that are organized ad hoc ”Prof Marc Van Ranst - Vrt Journaal 1 pm Wednesday 15 July 2020. Dear Professor Van Ranst, Thank you for the words of praise ...

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