Partying is nice. Partying is fun.

Of course you want it to be perfectly organized. Down to the last detail, from A to Z.

As a professional party organizer, 'we make your party' is by your side.

Together we look for the right formula and take care of the practical side.

You enjoy, we do the work!

It is not just a party, it is a destination!

Whether it is a baby shower, a staff, birthday or garden party, or a wedding is the basis, or a communion, for us every occasion is a reason to have a party. For you. Customized and exactly as you wish.

We arrange the details, ensure that everything runs smoothly and do so in a no-nonsense style. According to clear agreements. Professional and transparent.

Budget conscious or very exclusive, in your own garden or in a beautifully decorated party room. Just as you envision it. We have made it a specialty.

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Event Idee is een organisatiebureau die het u of uw bediende gemakkelijker maakt om gelijk welk event te organiseren.

Gekke Jorre

Gekke Jorre is geen typische clown, ballonplooier of magische goochelaar, maar een familie entertainer van deze tijd.


Een proffesieonele all-in one licht- en geluidsinstallatie volledig aangepast aan elke evenement groot en klein.


Bij Weidegeluk kan u terecht voor allerhande events, van een communiefeest, tot een familiedag met uw bedrijf, product lancering of congres/vergadering.

Activities Wijmakenuwfeest

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Event Agencies | Private Parties Organization