

  • Waleweinlaan 45, 5665 CE Geldrop, Netherlands

'Multi (f) vocal' has a special repertoire of music pieces arranged by Loekie Ruissen. A song from an opera, a swinging song from the 1930s and 1940s, something by Paul Simon or Sinead O'Connor.

Silent ballad, jazzy swing or sultry song: 'Multi (f) vocal' sings it and always goes for an enthusiastic performance.

How it started

In June 2005 three women decided to start a singing group together. Among them is Loekie Ruissen. She arranges and edits existing songs for 'Multi (f) vocaal'.

The group is quickly getting serious and grows into a solid unit of eight women that performs 4-part a cappella music at a good level.

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Activities Multi(f)vocaal

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Utrecht | Zeeland | Netherlands