Kazerne Dossin vzw

  • Goswin de Stassartstraat 153, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Kazerne Dossin is a memorial, museum and documentation center on the holocaust and human rights in a unique 'lieu de mémoire' in Mechelen. Between 1942 and 1944, 25,484 Jews and 352 gypsies were deported from the 18th-century Dossin barracks. Barely 5% returned alive from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Kazerne Dossin is an intense place of memory, a unique 'lieu de mémoire'. The museum examines the persecution of Jews and Gypsies in Belgium. Until mid-1942, the occupying forces could count on the often benevolent cooperation of the authorities everywhere in Belgium. How was that possible? Why also the persecution? What did they mean to the victims, and how did they react? Was there no resistance? These are key questions in this museum. Kazerne Dossin offers an interesting interpretation for those looking for a team building with content. A museum visit in a group with a guide can be perfectly combined with an internal meeting in one of our meeting rooms or with a visit to one of our (tourist) partners in Mechelen.

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Characteristics Kazerne Dossin vzw



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public transport 


near motorway 

city (centre) 

Catering venue

selected caterer(s) 

Activities Kazerne Dossin vzw

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Meeting Rooms in Mechelen | Meeting Rooms | Team building