B-and-Bee nv

  • Churchillsteenweg 18, 9320 Erembodegem, Belgium

B-and-Bee is a unique, new and hip sleeping concept for festivals and events. A B-and-Bee that is a comfortable and high-quality sleeping unit in the shape of a honeycomb. The 'honeycomb hotel' is built at your event or festival, and that 4 floors high and can be expanded in length by 12 units. This way you can offer 12-24-36-48 -... sleeping places to your visitors and that on a minimum floor space! The units are delivered ready-to-use on a trailer. No machines are needed to install or dismantle them and so we are not only set up and dismantled very quickly, we also hardly damage the turf or the environment. You can place a B-and-Bee colony on any surface; from a swampy meadow to a piece of asphalt, and is therefore very flexible and especially close to your event. A B-and-Bee that stands for cosiness and comfort. For example, each unit has 2 USB charging points for smartphones; LED mood lighting; plenty of storage space for your bags and a bed with a high-quality mattress and ditto protective cover. The Bed mechanism can be converted into a cozy lounge chair during the day so that you can sit comfortably, read, talk with friends, ... A B-and-Bee is built with a lot of attention for eg. fire safety (fire-retardant materials, treatments, smoke alarm) but also for personal safety and your belongings. For example, each unit can be individually locked with an electronic lock; and your visitors can access the B-and-Bee they have reserved by texting an access code. This allows you to receive your guests 24/7 without having to be on site. Temporary overnight accommodation, temporary overnight stay, sleep at festivals, sleep at events, overnight at festivals, overnight at events, camping, glamping, tipi tent, festi hut, festival camping, ...

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Activities B-and-Bee nv

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
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