Stand Up Magic Fred-Ric

  • Nicolaas Beetsstraat 51, 7552 HX Hengelo, Netherlands

Stand Up Magic from Fred-Ric. Suitable for all your parties. From company party to street fair Fred-Ric knows how to entertain your audience with his comical stand up magic. Small groups or large groups it doesn't matter, because Fred-Ric adapts his show effortlessly. Comic magic, which can be performed almost anywhere. How often do you see someone escape from a straitjacket to do a card trick? Probably not often ... Especially for children, Fred-Ric has a super children's show with stand up magic, suitable for schools, libraries and everywhere where there are children. Fred-Ric has been a multiple prize winner at the Dutch Magic Championships. Fred-Ric can also act as MC / presenter of your event, where he can show the necessary magic in between. Program is always discussed with you in advance. During a street theater festival or a fair, Fred-Ric can also handle his blasting stand-up magic. Guaranteed success at your event.

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Activities Stand Up Magic Fred-Ric

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Groningen | Noord-Brabant | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Illusionist | Animation for Kids | Street Theatre