Move is also a recognized booking and event office for all kinds of artistic activities [Lic. No. VG. A. 193]. You can contact us for dancers, magicians, extras, musicians, jugglers, hostesses, promo teams, cheergirls, comic acts, look-a-likes etc ... The dance companies The Groovies and The Little Groovies have their home base in Move. The nice thing is that you or in consultation with the organizing organizers can work out a desired program in the form and style that you prefer.

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1 review on Move 4 Events / Move bv

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Steven Martin
New|Architect of EMOTION|

16 years of successful cooperation and it is far from stopping!

I have the pleasure of working with this great team for 16 years (in 2011). They always take my creative ideas a little further than where I dreamed them! Unbeatable price quality and a very rich breeding ground for Belgian talent!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Move 4 Events / Move bv

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Dancers | Illusionist | Strip acts | Animation | Artists Agency