With Jor-EL Music we want to translate our love for music to you in our own authentic way, taking into account everyone's specific wishes as much as possible.

  • Are you eager to hear your favorite wedding song reverberate through the speakers live in the church?

  • Are you looking for live background music to give the experience of your reception an extra dimension?

  • Do you want to give someone special a surprise by having their favorite song played live on their terrace?

  • Are you looking for the most original gift ever? We create a custom music project.

We listen to your wishes and together we create a perfect musical picture!

You can book us for livening up your :

  • front desk
  • wedding
  • company party
  • family party
  • communion or spring festival
  • baby shower
  • farewell service
  • etc...

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Jor-El Music

Music genre band




Tribute and showbands 

Activities Jor-El Music

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Belgium | Netherlands
Singers | Live Bands