Bureau Bonk
Major events are also possible in times of Corona
Bureau Bonk|
September 14, 2020

Major events such as pop concerts, Glow, Lowlands or the Jeroen Bosch year: are they still possible in the future? Nobody knows. Nevertheless, we see opportunities to let large crowds of people enjoy something beautiful. Spread. Thousands of visitors huddled indefinitely is impossible with the observance of the corona rules. If you assume an event that takes place over various places in a city or municipality, it will be a completely different story. It is precisely by making use of existing locations within a municipality such as a pop hall, theater, museums and public space that we create maximum space to spread people. If you also spread an event over several days, weeks or even months, you create even more opportunities to enforce the corona rules. Collaboration If you use multiple locations, you can also benefit from collaborating with more entrepreneurs. One organization devises and coordinates the whole, a large number of entrepreneurs implement it. In this way you create a safe umbrella consisting of a concept, basic programming, marketing, subsidies, cooperation with the government and sponsors, with the executing entrepreneurs underneath, who run less risk and more chance of success. In this umbrella construction you as entrepreneurs do a lot together: the sale of admission tickets (you also sell for others), the marketing and purchasing. There will of course always be risks, but through a joint approach there is more chance of subsidies and sponsors and more visitors and the investments per entrepreneur (marketing and purchasing) are smaller. In addition, with current techniques, tickets are reserved well in advance, so that event organizers have an earlier insight into how many visitors can be expected. It is also easier to control the distribution of crowds by government and businesses. We have always loved working together. In times of Corona it can hardly be otherwise. We think that city events are a good answer to get through these bad times as well as possible. What do you think? We are very curious! Do you work for the municipality? Alderman for culture or economy or in the events department? Are you in the event sector yourself and would you like to spar / share knowledge without obligation? We would like to hear from you. Joris van Riel

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