Ecco La Luna
Ecco La Luna|
September 26, 2023

A team building with social impact!

'SolarBuddy' is an organization that is committed to bringing light to children in difficult home situations. As a company, do you want to raise awareness during a special CSR-oriented team building? Get to know Solarbuddy, hour of power as a team!

By choosing a 1-hour team building event as SolarBuddy, you can change the life of a 10-year-old child and positively influence it by gifting them a SolarBuddy. This allows them to read, learn, study, eat with their parents when it is dark, go outside safely and thus continue to develop.

How does it work?

This team building consists of three parts. In the first part "Learn" we will inform the participants about what exactly 'energy poverty' is and why we want to help combat it.

In the second part "Make" they can put together a Solar Buddy light - which works on solar energy - themselves. These lights – which capture sunlight during the day – help the children to read and study longer in the evening. This way they are able to do homework in the evening, which increases their educational opportunities. After editing, participants can write a personal message for the recipient.

Finally, there is the third part 'illuminate', where the lights are delivered to children in developing countries.

This way, as a team, you can not only contribute financially to solar lamps, but also be actively involved in their production and distribution. This way you can create a lasting impact and at the same time strengthen cooperation within your team.

Since its founding in 2016, SolarBuddy has donated hundreds of thousands of solar lights, literally lighting the lives of nearly 1 million people in 19 different countries.

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