Pegasus Events

Pegasus Events

Pegasus Events
  • Jufferkade 81, 3011 VW Rotterdam, Netherlands

Pegasus Events, creates spectacular (relaxation) excitement! We are an organization agency that specializes in organizing water-related, sporting events and packages in the Rotterdam region. Pegasus Events provides company outings, department outings, group packages, boat trips, team building activities, meeting programs, city tours, workshops and custom events. Water and the city play an important role in our services where your wishes are central. This results in surprising and creative activities that seamlessly match your ideas, whether you are a group of 8 or 800 people. We are happy to turn your outing or arrangement into a special event full of dazzling (relaxation) excitement! Please feel free to contact our team for the details of your company event. We are happy to present a completely non-binding proposal and are happy to discuss the possibilities in our city of Rotterdam! Then we let you discover the locations, activities and the city with our RIB boat or electric Tuk Tuk.

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Activities Pegasus Events

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Adventure | Team building | Event Agencies