NAB EvenementenCreatie

  • Salieristraat 72, 2901 PB Capelle aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

Organization of corporate events.

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Beachclub Boca Grandi

De combinatie van onze beachclub, de zee, het strand, de talrijke activiteiten en de unieke ligging maken Boca Grandi tot de perfecte locatie voor al je evenementen.

Characteristics NAB EvenementenCreatie

Music genre band






Tribute and showbands 


Activities NAB EvenementenCreatie

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Balloon sculpture | Clown | Dancers | Illusionist | Face painting | Jugglers | Animation for Kids | Street Theatre | Animation | Imitators | Presenter, Moderator and Speakers | Cabaret and Stand-up Comedian | Singers | Event Decoration | Brass bands | Live Bands | DJ - Deejay | Adventure | Team building | Audiovisual Concepts | Event Agencies | Product Launches