
  • Torenallee 26-28, 5617 BD Eindhoven, Netherlands

Hartendames Entertainment that runs! Events that could use a playful touch brighten up with Hartendames. Because Hartendames offers interactive, mobile acts with a dash of theater. Sympathetic acts that break the ice. That make the eyes of your guests twinkle, loosen their tongues and warm their hearts. The act can contain a game element, a learning objective or a business message. As a walking buffet, snacks and drinks can be served. Fairs, meetings, parties, festivals ... Things are going better with Hartendames. 'The catering' and 'the artists'. In the world of events they are often approached as two separate entities. Hartendames brings these worlds together in culinary entertainment. The ideal symbiosis between food and drink, between entertainment and decoration. All senses are stimulated together. An example? Signora Amorasa serving spicy 'Hot Kisses' and bringing happiness in love. Or Aunt Kaatje who lets her guests feast on an Edam cheese and plays the 'I love Holland' quiz. It goes together wonderfully. Call it a total concept. Call it ultimate cross-pollination or call it whatever you want. We at Hartendames call it 'culinary entertainment'. Just what we mean by 'entertainment that runs'.

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Activities Hartendames

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | West-Vlaanderen | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Netherlands
Street Theatre | Animation | Artists Agency