SHAKE IT - Barconcepten

  • Keurmeesterstraat 31, 1187 ZX Amstelveen, Netherlands

Cocktail Events. Is it someone's birthday, graduated, married or do you have a trade show, presentation or company event soon ?! SHAKE IT is specialized in making Cocktails on location. We offer you a day to enjoy yourself at your own party, you can get rid of a lot of hassle. All the work is for SHAKE IT! From several stylish mobile cocktail bars, our professional team will spoil your guests with the most beautiful and delicious cocktails. We work with the best premium drinks, the freshest fruit and that filled with flair / show and entertainment. From famous classics to the latest trends from the 'liquid kitchen', everything is possible! Where professionalism, quality and service are of a very high level. Thanks to our personal, honest and clear approach, we know how to surprise you time and again! We would like to gain your trust by offering you the best Cocktails Events & Workshops. Request a free quote!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities SHAKE IT - Barconcepten

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium | Drenthe | England | Flevoland | France | Friesland | Gelderland | Germany | Groningen | Hamburg | Limburg | Limburg | Netherlands | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Oost-Vlaanderen | Overijssel | Paris | United Kingdom | Utrecht | West-Vlaanderen | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland
Cocktail Catering