Bellewaerde Park

  • Meenseweg 497, 8902 Ieper, Belgium

As a company, do you want to stimulate team spirit among colleagues? Do you want to strengthen the loyalty of your customers? Are you looking for a way to promote your products in an original way? Do you want to distinguish yourself from your competitors?

A day at Bellewaerde Park is an unforgettable experience for everyone. For young and old, small and large, for sporty adventurers and quiet connoisseurs. Bellewaerde Park offers adventure with a big A, thanks to a wide choice of sensational or family attractions spread over a lush green area where exotic animals roam freely: your guests are sure to be amazed!

Sensational attractions and breathtaking nature. But they also form the perfect backdrop for every conceivable group activity: meetings, staff parties, family days, incentives, product presentations, ... Every year, the Bellewaerde Park Business Team puts together new programs that perfectly match your plans. Do these programs not fully meet your expectations? No problem: our Business Team is happy to help you put together a personalized package!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Bellewaerde Park

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Theme Parks