Plug n' Play

Plug n' Play

Plug n' Play
  • Mechelsesteenweg 9, 2840 Rumst, Belgium

Since 2008 Plug n 'Play has brought to life all the vibrant ideas and concepts of marketing agencies, event agencies, festival organizers, production houses and companies that want to boost their commercial actions. Are you looking for an original exhibition stand, a pop-up container, a TV set, a 3D blow-up, a digital information column, a promotional vehicle, a pimped cargo bike or do you have another wild idea? Come and pitch your plans and we will immediately dive into our studio. Our absolute extra? A 3000 m² production hall, a high-end machine park and an out-of-the-box team that bring your idea or question to life with a lot of expertise, experience and enthusiasm.

You can contact us to turn any vision or idea into reality. Our team is the most qualified to build your exhibition stands, the set for your television show. We take care of the decoration of every event!

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Plug n' Play
Mobile Event Hall - Fikagard
January 11, 2021

Fikagard is a custom-made pop-up construction consisting of durable materials.

Because it is mobile, it can literally be placed almost anywhere. We can accommodate 200 people in this event room, depending on the desired setup. The sides of the Fikagard are designed in such a way that the walls can be opened in dry weather. It is also possible to ...

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Activities Plug n' Play

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium | Bruxelles-Capitale | Limburg | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | West-Vlaanderen
Event Decoration | Stand Building