Villa Groet Avenhorn

  • Het hoog 1, 1633 GE Avenhorn, Netherlands

Party center Avenhorn specializes in arranging weddings, receptions and parties. Our many years of experience guarantee that you can enjoy your party optimally, but above all carefree.

Fully catered evenings from 'just any party' to stylish receptions, from a private intimate party to mega parties, for your 50th birthday or for a staff party with everything on and on.

Celebrations from 20 people in a cozy private atmosphere to large parties of up to 500 people, where the different rooms can be connected, everything you wish is possible in principle.

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Activities Villa Groet Avenhorn

Activity regions:
Noord-Holland | Netherlands
Banquet hall rental in Avenhorn | Banquet hall rental | Wedding Venues in Avenhorn | Wedding Venues