After a short start-up and test period with 2 washing machines, I currently have about 10 machines operational that can be used for various events.

The washing machines wash the cups for 35 seconds at a temperature of 50°, then take a 5-second break and then start

with a final rinse of 6 seconds with water at 85°, making the cups HACCP approved for direct reuse.

The machines have a washing capacity of 1000 - 1400 cups/hour and can be used at any location and at any time.

The only requirements are: running water with sufficient pressure, sufficient electricity (220 volts/16A) and a drainage point for the used water.

The cups come out of the machines moist and lukewarm, so a short waiting time is required before they can be used immediately.

By using a washing machine you can save a lot on the rental price and cleaning costs of the necessary cups for your event.

Typically 40% fewer cups are needed for a one-day event, but a lot can be saved for several days by using the same cups.

Calculate your savings yourself with the calculator.

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Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
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