Huis Van Wonterghem Catering

Huis Van Wonterghem Catering

Huis Van Wonterghem Catering
  • Koning Leopold III straat 9, 8520 Kuurne, Belgium

Huis Van Wonterghem takes care of the food, drinks and service of your party or event. The unique quality of a party at Huis Van Wonterghem at a destination of your choice.


At the request of many satisfied customers, Huis Van Wonterghem developed a high-quality catering service that brings the culinary level and excellent service of Huis Van Wonterghem to your location.

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Characteristics Huis Van Wonterghem Catering



Catering type


walking dinner 



chef at home 

Activities Huis Van Wonterghem Catering

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
Event Catering