"Soul-bound, soul-mate," says the Latin translation dictionary. Which suggests that this professional arts company does not freely address or entertain the public. Theater with a soul.
Anima Vinctum is not on his test piece. After a long, thoughtful pregnancy, the birth followed in 2014. The ambition was clear: no repertoire theater but carefully constructed, handmade productions: Prometheus, No Love, Hendrik IV, Closed World, The Archetype, Closed Worlds, Mouth Full Perception.
Each time a surprising and haunting magnum opus. Total spectacle with a rich diversity of art forms: physical theater, text and poetry, dance and movement art, music - with a solid upgrade of the classical genre -, visual art, video art. Each and every one complementary and supporting each other in the pipeline to a powerful message. Different, but not just experimental, because meticulously thought out and detailed.
Experts refer to Grotowski, Stanislavski, Artaud, Becket, Ionesco, Handtke, theater innovators who have penetrated the essence of dramatic action. It started in the Greek theaters 25 centuries ago. The visitors experienced, recognized, were given ideas and controversies. An emotional and mental confrontation, a catharsis or refinement often, despite the austere means used by the theater makers. Folk people as well as philosophers enriched thanks to the depiction of core values, deeply human characteristics and derailed behaviors.
Humor was often nearby. This is also the case in the performances of Anima Vinctum. From wink to
crazy dialogue. Visual tours de force, absurd situations. Also as an integral part of the underlying moral flow that flows to the spectators.
Change, learning to see and feel differently, that's what the driven crew of Anima Vinctum aims for. Professionals cooperate because of the openness, the growth, the boundlessness, the authenticity, the enrichment, the passion. Grants and fees are nonexistent. Experiential, every production develops into a polished pearl. Anima Vinctum has already caused a furore in the theater world, but wants to continue to grow. Standing still is going backwards. This arts company always plunges into a new challenge, a never-explored theme, the refinement of form and content and the mutual coordination of both.
Anima Vinctum integrates known and new performing arts. The most diverse artistic expressions are interwoven. In this way the company develops a totally new creative language in the theater world. The employees are not afraid of risks and make every effort to bring a coherent artistic idea to life.
They fully realize that they are part of a cultural tradition with an accompanying history and an inevitable context. Yet they want to show their own and idiosyncratic artistic vision to society. They strive for innovation, in their thematic choice and in the way in which they shape a multidisciplinary performing arts.
Anima Vinctum wants to discover, learn and develop its own creative language through ingenious laboratory experiments. In fact, the path of artistic and intellectual development is endless and unpredictable. Anima Vinctum walks a path that is almost unknown, but which it takes with great confidence and energy. Open, open-minded, but looking critically at the society around us.
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