'The ultimate synergy': Momice launches Certified Partner network for event agencies
March 13, 2023

Event software company Momice launches the Momice Certified Partner program for event agencies. This program makes it even more attractive for event agencies that work with Momice to introduce their client as a new customer. The benefits not only apply to the agencies, but also to the companies they recommend.

A good reference is worth gold

For Jasper Werkman, CCO of Momice, it is clear: “A good reference is worth its weight in gold. As a company we take very good care of our customers – they are our most important 'marketing tool'. We are therefore happy to reward them for bringing in a new customer. With the introduction of the Certified Partner program, it is attractive for all parties to work with Momice.”

Affiliate Program: win-win-win

“There are benefits for all parties,” says Werkman. “The event agencies that bring in a new client have sometimes been working with Momice for years and when they bring in a new client they also get the guarantee that they can use their favorite tool (Momice, that is). Another advantage is that they no longer have to coordinate the processing agreement (GDPR). This saves a lot of hassle.

Finally, it is financially attractive for them: in addition to a reward for bringing in a new customer, there is also an opportunity for new business for them: (large) Momice clients are regularly looking for an event agency that can work with Momice . Because we mention them on our partner page, they are visible to the entire Momice network.”

More flexibility and insight, less risk

The program also has advantages for the (new) customer. This gives the customer flexibility in the choice: do it yourself or outsource it. Werkman: “Large, important events are often outsourced to an agency. But smaller events can often be managed by our customers very well. With their own Momice license they can make the choice themselves, while all their events remain in the same style.”

The company itself also has access to the event data, personal data and results, so that people have a better view of an event. Because the processing agreement is coordinated directly with Momice, the customer runs less risk from a legal point of view.

A strategic choice

“We made a strategic choice a while ago: Momice will be less concerned with the execution of events in the tool. Previously, Momice Agency did many more client projects on behalf of the client. Now that we no longer offer this service, we see that our customers are looking for parties that can handle the software well. By offering them the Certified Partner network, we can help them find a Momice agency. We are thrilled to see the synergy between our current clients and agencies – and we hope that we can expand our own network even further with happy clients and ambassadors in this way.”

First partners at EventSummit

The first 8 partners were announced at the launch at EventSummit: D&B, Big Fiv5, International Orange, Bax Projects, Organisatieburo, Marloes & Co, Audivio and Effectgroep, together with the Momice team, raised a glass to the new partnership. There was a lot of interest from other event agencies (customers and non-customers) at the stand. The idea is that the partner network will grow to 20 partners in the coming year.

You can read more about the Certified Partnership and the partners here:

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