We, William and Myriam van Lokeren, have three barrel organs (a smaller "Elise" and medium-sized hand barrel organ "de Pansfluiter" and a large electrically powered "Concertina") that play very nicely (we also have a music installation so that we can enjoy a varied program). performing organ interspersed with oldies on request (songs, jokes).

We regularly run for:

  • cozy afternoon or evening with musical performance with singing / jokes and a barrel organ (mainly in residential care centers)!!!
  • Garden parties, craft markets, fairs, receptions, flea markets, Christmas markets, staff parties or other events inside or outside with cozy barrel organ music !!!

Our large barrel organ "Concertina" stands on a trailer that opens on the side so that sun, wind or rain does not disturb, on the other hand, this barrel organ can easily be removed from the trailer so that we can also play it indoors in party rooms, tents or halls (such as Flanders Expo). We are unique in Belgium in this area.

Barrel organs provide fun and entertainment for young and old

Any questions? I will hear it then.

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Activities Draaiorgel Concertina

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium | Bruxelles-Capitale | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen
Street Theatre | Animation