
  • Ellestraat 79b, 8550 Zwevegem, Belgium

Rental of party equipment.

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1 review on Partymate

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Tony Meykens

Set up bar tent

I recently picked up a bar tent from Partymate, we were going to set it up ourselves even though we had never done this before.
My first big question was can I load this. I called Partymate several times to find out the dimensions and weight. Usually they answered immediately, if not they called back very quickly. I received all the necessary information and left with peace of mind with the van and brake. Everything was loaded correctly and double checked to make sure nothing was missing.
The second tricky point was setting up the tent. Even though we were the first customer to do this without their assistance, they were super excited and curious to see how this would go. I received a perfect explanation and was even taken to a tent that was set up nearby, so that I could see what the end result should be.
Everything went smoothly. We will certainly continue to work with them in the future.
Super friendly and helpful staff. They clearly attach great importance to customer satisfaction.

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Activities Partymate

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Party Supplies Rental | Tent Rentals