Ticket provider Entranz provides COVID19 check for party cafes and small catering establishments
June 15, 2020

Since 1 June, the catering industry can reopen in a controlled manner. This opening under strict conditions was mainly aimed at traditional catering establishments. Restaurants, cafes and terraces could open again. In addition, one must sit at a table with no more than 4 people. A reservation, with the exception of terraces, is also required. But how should dance cafes, party cafes and other smaller catering establishments organize this? The Zoetermeer ticket provider Entranz makes it very easy for entrepreneurs to contribute to a safe entertainment environment with the automatic Covid-19 check. As a catering entrepreneur you want to be busy again with receiving your guests and generating turnover. Then you want them to spend as little time as possible implementing the new measures, while you have to comply with them. Entranz has developed a handy tool for this in addition to their existing platform. Marketing director Tom Mulder said the following about this: “We saw two things. Firstly, catering entrepreneurs come to us to sell entrance tickets for their café, as it were. In addition, we also see that you are allowed to let in fewer people than you might want and that you also have to ask difficult questions at the door. Hospitality is curtailed when you really don't want it. Certainly not now. ” And something was also missing. “In relaxing the policy, efforts were made to check the health of visitors in advance to prevent them from spreading further. This has been happening at hairdressers and the like for a while, but how do you check beforehand whether a visitor to your pub has certain symptoms? We have now automated that check at Entranz. ” Users of the platform can now activate the so-called 'Covid-19 check'. When buying a ticket, the visitor receives a questionnaire with the RIVM control questions. The visitor then receives this questionnaire again 24 hours before the start of the 'event', in accordance with the guidelines. If the answers show that the visitor has no symptoms, the ticket will be activated and the reservation made final. If the questionnaire nevertheless shows that someone may have symptoms, the visitor and catering entrepreneur will be put in touch. In this way, a catering entrepreneur complies with all guidelines and everyone can enjoy a drink in his or her favorite pub again! From July 1, the limit of a maximum of 30 guests indoors will be expanded to 100 guests indoors. Then it is also time for the dance cafes, party cafes and other smaller catering establishments to receive guests again. Guests may need to book in advance, but with a ticket provider and COVID19 check, this catering industry is also ready for the temporary 'new normal'.

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